You Have Never Met a Stranger

As one life spins to the next its like similar hands get dealt from the same deck. Sometimes you’re the house, others you’re betting against it. This level, at its most intense, is what we call karmic relationships. No matter how much you try and slip through the net destiny will often meet you on the path you took to avoid it. Once this clicks its like hitting the reset switch on a whole load of unnecessary stress. Is any actually needed, come to think of it? Yes, yes it is because the stone may be formed by pressure but its only polished with friction and this is where your past friends, current enemies, future parters, previous parents and potential children come in. Really build this image in your head and you’ll see the constant process of perfection of the playa as their Soul tumbles from one incarnation to the next. The trick is realizing this perspective as it truly is the only solution to the worlds problems because none but ourselves can free our minds from the mental prisons we choose to live within. Let me tell you about learned helplessness:

You take a dog, place it inside cage where one part of the floor can be electrified and there is a small divider within. The moment that voltage starts flowing it will get the heck out of the way of the problem. What if there is no place to escape? What then? Why then it sits there and takes it. Surprisingly even if moved to the cell where there is an option to exit, it will not even attempt.

How much of the world do you think lives like this? I would be willing to wager pretty much everyone, irrespective of status. Besides children. On the flip the kids are akin to the first pup in this predicament. The rest of the construction, on a human level, is what I call the System aka where they are taught (like tensed, as in “Pay attention!”) to “Sit still, look ahead, be quiet and regurgitate what we’ve said on command to be told you did well“. Its a gross perversion and distortion of the parent/child relationship because all we want when we step in is to be approved and Witnessed. Its like we need to be reassured we exist whilst a personality develops but then these stabilizers are stuck on for nearly two decades instead and what comes out the other end is an Adulterated mess.

Bit of a tangent but its interlinked as most people are unable to think like this because Knowledge of Self is not on any curriculum. And yet, its the most vital thing anyone, anywhen could wish to invest in as the dividends its repays are immense. Case in point, before you started reading this had you ever considered the multi incarnational polishing and development that incurs during embodiments? If you look it at like a Balance Sheet it could be seen that a Soul initially steps into this realm with nothing and then begins writing cheques in the name of its investment in its imperiences. Some are speculations that bring wins others accrue debt. Picture it like this:

There are three Souls playing the Game. They step in with a zero balance. A marries B, frivolously, then he cheats on her with C. Net result?

B sends hate to A, A sends affection to C.

Really simply. B is minus one, A is minus one and C is plus one.

Next incarnation. C is a kind stranger who saves As life after B came at them with a knife. Net result?

C is zero, A is minus one and B is minus two.

C, at this point, can step out of the Game because the rules state “You can only leave with what came in” as this entire plane is the same thing being constantly recycled and regenerated. What if C doesn’t know this? Then the habit of incarnation kicks in and its time for another spin. Lets say this time round C meets B and they get married to have a child named A. B and C get on really well in this fling as they feel each has what the other lacks along with a deep sense of comfort as they complete each others sentences due to their resonance. When A steps in the nature of their relationship shifts and they soon get divorced with C taking sole custody of the kid. Net result at the end of the spin?

B hates C, A adores C.

B is minus three, A is zero, C is zero.

At this point C will probably click that hearting for the exit is an option and may just do this. A as well because there really is no limit as to when one does the Knowledge but B is stuck due to those repeated debts of doing the same thing, again and again, in each incarnation. This is why its so vital to Know thy Self because the rest is entirely irrelevant. Think about it, those incarnations could’ve been in the space age, as hunters on the planes and one in the modern day. The dressing of the stage is entirely irrelevant in the Game. Its the underlying innerG thats vital and once you’re in tune with this and see others as a manifestation of Self that exists solely inside your awareness to embody information back to you about the debts and credits you’ve accumulated then it becomes much simpler to navigate this realm as opposed to wandering around in the land of confusion when you know plenty about everything but nothing of whats within that makes all this possible.

Granted this type of comprehension tends to kick once you’ve been through the mill for a few spins as the story is so engrossing and the mind makes it all so believable. Detachment needs isolation and that produces excellence as you are no longer in resonance with the mediocrity of standardization. Imagine on the next spin when C has tripped and A decides to come back in to see if he can keep this expanded view of reality whilst within Three D with B. B is a troubled teen from a broken family. A is his teacher and provides a stabilizing influence that helps him marshal his talents and gives his life direction. Things happen, B gets in a jam and needs money, quick, so he decides to rob his teachers apartment. It just so happens that A was home that day and catches him before he breaks in and sits him down to talk to him and asks why he didn’t just call for help? Another chance is given, he assists him in this situation and B goes on to live a happy existence. Never once did he appreciate or think of what A had done for him as his mindset was always “Take what you can get whenever the opportunity presents” and his only loyalties were him. Maybe as he matures and reflects he may get it and draw the links but the chances are odd he’d die without doing the Knowledge. Net result of this spin?

A is zero, B is zero.

They can both go home but its highly likely by the actions and previous incarnation that A will choose to step whereas B will get back in more debt. This is just a small example with three playas, one main trade per Game and a very simple statement of balances for them to maintain. The real world has 8 billion Souls so multiply that with the combinations and variables to let your head spin. Thing is you really will incarnate with the same clique of 8 to thirty people that you will interact with on each trip purely due to the nature of these debts. With this in mind someone who did you a seeming disservice may have just done you a favor in restoring your balance and if you choose to get in debt by seeking revenge then that is your problem creating skills in full effect due to your self imposed ignorance. That and the voice in your head telling you to do it. Oh yes, the house divided (ie your consciousness) always loses against this stealthy Opponent because its made you Thunk you’re it. So slick. And effective. Those are just extra variables on the stages to keep things interesting because C would’ve realized at one point they aren’t that which speaks but the one who listens as that is the key to transcendence between incarnations. A clicked that do good for the sake of doing it with no expectations fostered a state of non attachment and thus made a difference with no song and dance needed which assisted B in finding balance to finally have a good incarnation due to the grudges that had been held from one spin to the next.

Hopefully this explains some of the tenderness of vehemence you’ve met in this life because sometimes peoples reactions and the situation appear to have no coherence but that is only due to you not clicking that life is a Game of three halves that you’re playing using your Soul as a credit. In a nutshell, your first spin was a zero balance. By using a combination of credits and debts across many incarnations in which those who want a pound of flesh and the ones who wish to share a little tenderness will ensure you are rendered whole, eventually, unless you choose to act stupidly and keep moving from a position of ignorance and making bets against your Self. See why I said 81% of the planet are Slaves because that is exactly what they are doing and thus obviously don’t comprehend the simplicity and depth of the implications of when something happens in the realm of incarnation its never a new thing but actually a continuance in another resonance of previous interactions.

Thats a pretty wild thing to wrap your mind around and rendering it into words is hilariously inaccurate and overly complicated compared to actually feelseeing it in the present moment but if I hadn’t typed nearly one thousand and eight hundred words then it would’ve just been an imperience in my head (that was unfinitely more vivid and verifiable) and not communicated. See what I mean about this flip turned upside down half of a language? Its designed to be ineffective when it comes to ones inner realms as its focus is elsewhen. Previous tongues on this planet were far richer and nuanced hence they were often tonal as the shift in vibration of the words altered the awareness of what was heard by another then felt within. These modern spells are just another element of the System and, once again, something entirely optional whilst being totally unnatural yet slick. Earth at this moment is the story of a suggestion, told back when, that lured the whole globe into a state of disconnection and near total investment in the world presented to their senses as they maintain near total ignorance of that which is actually doing the decoding. The state I call the Witness.

Use that which looks to perceive itself in a quiet room without distractions and see what happens. I’ll bet you’ll get uncomfortable, distracted and stressed within a few minutes. Its why the web was so successful at luring people in as it provides a respite from feeling via stimulation and distraction. More outer facing, more aspects of the System. Basically, the Path of Power is you directly imperiencing the validity of the incarnational debt allegory presented or even using the template to see if it fits with your life as it is due to the nature of your interactions as once you realize this is possible suddenly the options of what is capable spring up in front of eyes that were closed till that moment as they’d been lured into a state of sleepwalking by so many factors they take for granted and had never examined. That is the System. Its everywhere, its ancient. Its also the future and will be the past as well because its like a huge ferris wheel and we’re in the age of the stage of iron where times are hard, people are stupid and life is brutal but covered with a thin sheen of gloss and surface level glitz that many dare not plumb the depths of as they’re too busy building castles in the skies of their imaginations then paying rent via daily efforts and stress as they hold onto the mess they inherited and accepted as “the way it is” due to not doing the Knowledge.

That is pretty insane, isn’t it? Or maybe it doesn’t even make any sense. I won’t be able to tell, anywhen, as I rarely read these streams as they are the embers of afterglow left in my awareness after quickening and communicate something far greater yet subtle but ultimately ineffable to those with no Knowledge of Self. Thats the Path of Power peak imperience thing and its really just part of the Journey to gnosis as that is the only way to gain transcendence, heart for the exit and hopefully sprinkle enough Game for those in the frame to realize what the A, B, Cs of incarnation really are beyond whats been drummed in to their heads as second hand wisdom that they’ve never truly tested or questioned hence why 81% are Slaves. 11% know the deal but like passing the ball between their team, in a secret kind of deal. The other 8% want to share their gifts with rest because empathy is what it is and even if you don’t apply it on this spin there still will be an index in your subconscious Rolodex so next time you might manifest as a person who finds one loose string in the tapestry of experience based on these teachings and then that becomes your vehicle for liberation as you turn around and pay it backwards to your previous incarnation for taking the time to read this.

Do you see how simple and complex it is, all at the same instance? The mind blowing thing is the universal constant between each incarnation is the Self. That which manifests as the Witness. In that respect you could have said that your fingertips could be five different versions of you, all in their own existence with varying degrees of flexibility and development. And yet every single one is more than capable of retracing their steps from the point that currently defines them, beyond the nail in their coffin of free thinking as they click they’re all linked to the palm which is actually controlling everything. Once at this level of gnosis you realize you have a wrist and how there are obviously elements at play you never suspected and you are actually something far greater than a fingertip caught up in the maelstrom of living. All this and more is awaiting on the Path of Power. In this and other incarnations. It just so happens we’re playing the Game of Souls on the hardest level and people have been trained to run so well in the opposite direction when true solutions present as they’d prefer to stick to that which only generates more problems as they uphold is as tradition and this loops us back to the nature of suggestion, there only being one problem and why the System is invisible is you’re still within its grip plus how the circumstances of your incarnation and the people in it offer hints about your true potential, current position and so much else that you’ll wonder why these teachings are almost entirely absent from pretty much everything on the planet.

I have an idea. Its because its more profitable to those who built the System for you to spend your existence running around within its precepts as you cling to an illusion that punishes you with limits you tacitly accepted by never stopping to think if a concept like the Path of Power could even exist and whats actually happening at the present moment if you stop and feelsee into it with whole mindbody focus and relaxation. Thats Adulteration, at least thats what prevents its gnosis and thus disconnection is the answer as that brings reconnection in its stead once you stop chasing pieces of whats outside by not accepting that which is within and renders the perception itself possible. Know thy Self.

Till we meet again

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