Eight Traits of the Slave

Even if the ball and chain were self evident most Slaves would never admit they are this because of what it says about them. Their egoic (false) self image simply couldn’t handle this because it likes to Thunk its all powerful, all knowing and that they are master of this realm, their life and awareness. We both know that isn’t true because otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this, would you? So I decided to whip up Eight Traits of the Slave. Remember to tick the boxes as we proceed and feel free to take time and think about whats said along with how you feel within.

First is they are all suffering. They’ll never admit it though. Especially in the age of pretend that social media ushered in where everyone attempts to sell an image they wish to believe in and hope you invest by transferring your energy to them via the capture of your attention. Like beggars with gold bowls they have not a clue of what they possess and ask for more from those with less who are only happy to acquiesce because they feel better about themselves when bathing in anothers ambiance. Why? Because they can’t shine that light on themselves so its easier to believe in someone else who says their life isn’t a mess and they feel amazing all the time whilst looking perfect as they make it all seem so effortless. Newsflash: Its none of that and they’re actually way more broken than the rest which is why they needed to primp and preen because all of their self esteem is tied up in the screen and so what they feel about themselves needs another to place a crown upon their heads. They’ll never admit this a weakness, nor will they comprehend they’re at the mercy of a fickle crowd and how there will always be someone else coming next who wants their attention for themselves.

You don’t have to be a socially mediated pleb to find a novel solution or experiment in ways to make you feel better about yourself. Some folks think “I’ll get rich, that’ll solve everything” as they work night and day, trying to escape the dread within. Only to find it sitting, waiting them when they finally move into the mansion. On the flip there are those who have nothing and fight to survive every day by crumb snatching. They are in a sense far more honest as they can’t afford to self decept and the rest that follows in, especially for most of modern civilization where they sell dreams to themselves in order to feel better about their predicament whilst not doing anything effective about the schism that powers this, deep within.

Because of this suffering they’re all insecure and these two steps join together to form an immense treadmill. People will do the strangest things in the name of progress, even if they regress, due to their ignorance due to the survival mechanisms built in that are daily exploited by those who know how and which buttons to press to make you fall in to the velvet lined rut of existence that is more accurately called subsistence, for you are not dead but certainly not alive in the sense of feeling vibrant and energetic, full of creative impulses and visions as well as a ready grin that is due to holding your lips with a twist but because of the presence of so much spirit within that its overflowing.

Now because they lack this, a state they once knew well as kids, these Slaves who are a product of insecurity and suffering take to wearing a mask instead. It can be Mr Nice Guy, Ms Sexy, The Bad Boy, The Good Kid, The Doting Mother, The Raging Alcoholic. Doesn’t matter they all represent the same mechanism because its a case of pre social media imaging making in which folks tried to project fragments of what they hope others think of them. Like Care Bears but in reverse in that sense because they don’t send but want you to believe in the “Me” they build inside your head as its to their advantage because it keeps the insecure suffering tamped in and allows them to function in this realm. As you may have guessed people wear many, many asks depending on what the situation says. Saddest thing is the next trait:

They pretend not to wear them. Imagine for a moment you’d been wearing a false face for so long that you thought it was your flesh. If someone said “Here, let me take that off so we can see your natural visage” they’d scream and run to protect because as far as they’re concerned that is them. Its easier to notice this in others first then trace it in self. Alcohol allows it to slip for a moment, often unleashing the inner child within as well as certain forces that hitch a lift and take your flesh for a spin. Haven’t you ever wondered why some people have a drink, totally change character and then rise the next day and can’t remember a thing, whilst genuinely meaning it? Its because that chapter of their life was written in a different pen by someone elses hand in a book they don’t possess therefore they can’t access. Tangent but you know how I be sprinkling…

Why do they wear masks? That brings us to the next step and its because of their childhood which was, for most people, a straight up mess. You inherit from your parents the sum total of their ignorance as they did from theirs before them and so on until someone in your lineage has the insight and wisdom to look within and try something different as that will flip the script. This topic is immense in and of itself but I’ll keep it simple and say it could be a small thing like a baby wailing to be fed at Two AM when its mother is stressed and just wants to rest and looks at then ignores it before finally giving in, more for herself than the kid. The baby has an immense state of resonance and intuitive connection and it feels the energy emanating from its parent as pure hatred and rejection. Due to its currently limited experience and short time of incarnation the Relative Scale of Impact is immense and such things can fracture them from within. If people really knew how delicate children were they would do things so different. Back in the days of the Old Kingdom when a woman was pregnant they would send her away to a natural place, filled with beauty and staffed by old women who would regale her with their wisdom and experience on how to raise the newborn King or Queen as case may be because they were trained to master Self and be in total resonance with all of the elements and this needs nurturing. Most important was the birth process in which they would squat – something nigh on impossible for most modern humans to handle at length and comfort which offers great hints into the problem and solutions – and ensure the baby fell into their hands as then this strengthens the connection and the security felt within to the newly incarnated Soul and his earthbound experience. Contrast that to a slap across the cheeks from a man tired of working long weeks in brightly lit and strangely smelling surgery and you’ll have a key piece of the modern tragedy that swiftly turns men to beasts.

Because of this experience and subsequent programming their Center exists somewhere outside of them. Some pin it on money, power or influence whilst others pick religion, education or various others forms of image building as they leave their natural, custom made threads and wear something off the peg that wasn’t designed for them and isn’t as comfortable. Nature abhors a vacuum so something will step into the abyss that is left from the place they vacated as children and this energy then runs their lives and thus enslaves them to a paradigm that, more often than not, will leave them feeling unfulfilled in some aspect. When questioned they’ll never admit this as it calls into question their investment and thus their intellect and none can handle this so they’d rather continue heading in the wrong direction than turn around and look within to examine what I’ve mentioned. Little do they realize its not them speaking but this energy which needs to feed off their suffering to sustain itself and thus the previous factors all coalesce to reinforce this way of living via social acceptance and tribal thinking. This state also helps immensely when it comes to being manipulated by unscrupulous forces that can then sway them at their whim by using this internal division as a tool to conquer what remains of their awareness whilst increasing their leverage over the adherents who have been trained to say “Yes” so well that the very thought of “No” isn’t permitted to enter their heads.

How do they manage this in a way that is so effective and widespread? Simple, the previous six states generate people that are entirely ignorant of innerG as they constantly misinterpret their feelings, the currents bio electric as well as the seeds that intuition attempts to sprinkle into their awareness. Society en masse evidences this with the strange aches and ills that seem to randomly shift from one place to the next or those linguistic hints like “A pain in the neck”, rear end or other appendages because the body talks but they don’t listen. Babies don’t have this problem and its why they tend to wail in the presence of one who is outwardly cooing but filled with dark vibrations within as they feel their internal flows shrinking and don’t like the sensation and thus protest until they’re back in the electromagnetic field of one who feels coherent. Thing is its almost guaranteed that she will also be damaged as the wounded womb hurts the seeds it births as part of the price paid for generational ignorance and this in turns primes the child to resonate the same spectrum hence why so many relationships play out the worst traits (or invert) what their childhood experience etched upon their slates as they proceed through the Game and lose their Inner Sense. That and innocence are the Self same thing because the labels points at a state of being which is the antithesis of all this Adulteration and still exists within if you’re willing to do what is required to let go and unlearn that which isn’t in your best interests.

Thing is, its not that simple. Actually its quite difficult and thus many are called but only 8% choose themselves. After the previous seven tricks designed to place you at war with your essence the last one is the most deceptive, dangerous and crucial element:

You may have none of the traits above and by some dint of luck had came through the trials and travails of life up until this moment totally unscathed and feeling fresh, radiant and energetic but there is a little something something that can wrap you up within as its a key component of the Mind Made Prison and as invisible yet essential as air is to humans and currently it controls the realm via the spells of its vibration:

If you only speak English you are a Slave. No ands, ifs, or, buts, maybes need make an appearance. No need for discussion as this language was designed to foster ignorance, enhance the schism within, sow hatred and dissent between those who form their lips to express their sentiment with a tongue thats poisoned by the very thing that makes them think. This one is crazy deep and yet ridiculously Self evident. Those who speak another language can easily attest that the structure of English is beyond stupid and the quirks within make no sense and so many other things but I’ll keep it real simple and say reflect on this:

“The traditional British stiff upper lip”. Now we could have a field day on what “Ish” actually is and its link to “Brit” because any place that waves a flag with triple crosses stitched in can’t be fair dealing and if you happen to get ripped expecting them to be honest then its your stupidity for not reading the signs and what they said. Triple crossed, my man, triple. Like one or two wasn’t enough. Its like adding insult to injury and then grinding some salt in to the wound whilst asking “Feels nice, doesn’t it?”. Not for nothing was it said by the Native Americans that “White man speaks with forked tongue” as they handed them smallpox laced blankets. And yet, this is defacto language of the moment and look around at the world it built. Exactly as intended.

Get back to the stiff upper lip it shows a repression of emotion, a limitation of expression and thus what can’t be vented one way will find another way to express. But don’t expect those whose awareness is dipped in this language by itself to comprehend as the bugs in their operating system are seen as features instead and this what they expect. Simple verification test:

English has Past Tense, Future Tense, Present Tense. You thought that meant one thing, a way to express time in relative terms using grammar but it also means something stretched rigid or unable to relax due to nervousness. Did the stiff upper lip just click with why white people have no rhythm? This isn’t a racist thing but you’re free to take it how you wish but contrast the way an English woman moves in comparison to say Spanish, Italian or French. They’re white as well but their language is different and that is why I said its the key to removing the shackles within because the nature of language is invisible. Its the tool we use to build our image of reality itself and those who only speak English sip from a poisoned chalice designed to limit free expression whilst ramping up the tension.

Add in the other elements mentioned and the recipe is perfect to make Slaves in this realm hence why I said the greatest tool in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. Freedom is an inside job.

Till we meet again