The Brain Doesn’t Create Consciousness

Ask your Self:

Do actors live inside the TV set?

No or yes? The answer seems obvious, even preposterous and yet most who answer in the negative would attest the affirmative that their brain creates their sentience. Newsflash, it doesn’t

One of the most fundamental things to the Game of Souls way of doing things is the primacy of consciousness. After all, you are it and all of this – motions to dimension – is within it. That can be quite mindblowing for those who’ve been trained to accept the script that they are little more than sentient meat. A worthless speck on an immense planet that floats in an abyss and makes them even more inconsequential. Just think of how disempowering that is and it becomes obvious why people are running, that way and this, in pursuit of solutions to make them feel different. See why I said the collective is kneeling at the feet of midgets? Well, the Warrior thinks different and that is all due to consciousness and his relation therein. Let me break it down like this:

Imagine your bones and nervous system are an antenna which your brain modulates as it attunes and edits your awareness via its inherent perceptions and filters. Actually, a simpler way to click would be to pretend you’d slipped on a total immersion VR suit that directly interfaced to your senses. Whilst glimpsing at the digital realm via the goggles it would be extremely easy to believe you are of the world of illusion because its made to fool those who trespass against themselves by stepping in to its grip. Just like that the real you – sans the Earthday Suit that was slipped over your unfinite awareness – is currently caught up in the mix of having a body and being on a planet. It is, quite literally, all a figment of your imagination. How can I say this? “What is the proof?” I hear you yell from the depths of the Reality Tunnel you’re only partially aware you’re digging. Simple:

Epileptics often report a sensation which kicks in just before the convulsions happen where they felt a supreme sense of oneness with all and everything, its remarkably peaceful within even though the flesh is wracked with shaking that can be quite painful and intense. That is the signal of their awareness being disconnected from the flesh. Same thing as dreaming, literally an identical process but missing the steps required for optimal deregulation. Imagine your average day. You rise in bed, shower, fed, dressed, hop in your transportation, sing along to the hits then find yourself strolling into the office. Now, lets pretend that instead of doing that you sat up in bed and next thing you knew you were naked at your work desk getting on with it. Thats pretty much the same thing. The bits in between are missing and they are the points of regulation where your consciousness starts disconnecting from various vessels and aspects of your incarnation. This isn’t metaphysical. Its entirely provable because the same steps happen in reverse but most don’t notice them.

Have you ever noticed that when you get out of bed sometimes it feels like some parts are lagging? Some aspects haven’t yet became active whilst others are still in hibernation? Many call this the “Don’t speak to me until the coffee drinking” begins step. Others say “I’m not feeling like myself”. Doesn’t matter about the labels as they’re pointing to the same thing. How do I know this? Simple, I learned to get familiar with the layers and their subjective experience during various experiments inside my consciousness. On of the most interesting Journeys I took was inducing willful sleep paralysis so my body was at rest but my mind still present. You can try this yourself, its quite visceral yet subtly difficult:

Prep to go to bed, lie on your back and start consciously relaxing your muscles. After a while you’ll get an impulse, a signal or direction which says “Turn over onto your side”. This is fully automatic and it will catch you a few times before you slip out of the habit and interrupt the Pattern. What happens next is interesting as after a few seconds it will attempt again. Then again. After that you’re set because your body will start to drift off into an immense state of relaxation and you are free to explore what happens. One of the most interesting things about this phase is how ridiculously dense your form feels. I managed to get my consciousness down to the feels of nervous system activation and impulses and its quite trippy as it becomes Self evident that your bones, your organs, muscles and the rest all have their own intelligence, their own intents and whims as well as recollections and things that I call Patterns. No wonder we’re such a mess and why so many have said “Whats the matter with me?” as they place a hand upon their chest and ask the honest question that carries all the answers within. Try and it and see what happens.

Dreams are also a perfect correlate of this but flipped because a baby steps into this realm with two fears already engrained in:

One is of loud noises, the other is falling. Both are remnants of the preincarnational imperience in which the big bang is what kicks when the sperm meets the egg as there is an immense flash of light followed by a huge thundering. “And god floated above the waters and said…” you know the rest, yes? Told you, we are that which we are seeking in the flesh and all cryptic scriptures hide what they present as the true owners manual is within and not based on any religion that uses language as that can’t only ever be a poor translation of the numinous and ineffable of which I’m speaking. See for your Self. Thats the whole intent of the Path of Power and this way of living in the Game of Souls because liberation is my aim and these things are simply side effects of that quest and thus I share signposts along the way along with observations and intuitions.

At the moment of conception your awareness is tethered in resonance to the shell that is developing which will be your prime method of interaction with this dimension. Without that manipulation of the elements becomes quite difficult and there also is quite a thrill associated with this five sensory, three dimensional experience you gain from the Game after having inserted your Soul as a credit. For babies this is super intense as they are not fully modulated and thus their cup of sentience overflows and shines upon all around them hence a mothers glowing and why the presence of a child within fills a house with so much emotion. Its like a gas that becomes liquid before being frozen and that state of lowered vibration is what you call life and it scares you to death to think you’ll melt as all you know is restriction. If you spin that back again you’ll click I’ve just given you the key to transcendence.

As we dream we drift off into our own little world within which seems so real and convincing. Until we have another frame of reference. This is an echo of what I said previously about the VR suit draped over unfinite awareness. The brains nature is to make and take things personal as it uses various shades and filters. This is also part of the reason why the imagery of dreams seems quite ridiculous as its speaking a far more vivid and symbolic language. Its also why experiences like telepathy and precognition are so common as well because we are far more open to impressions, resonance and connection whilst sleeping. Not for nothing did the elders say “Place a glass of water near your head whilst in bed then pour it away with hand left upon rising“. Who does that kind of stuff these days? Only those who are still attuned and not fooled by the false views of progress as they tend to drift with a phone next to them. A black cube. Ironic, isn’t it?

Most people don’t realize they’re dead when they die because of the continuance. Just like in dreams there is an aspect of logic and comparison missing so they don’t click that they’re talking to people who aren’t responding or can’t see them. That doesn’t mean the earthbound are entirely ignorant because if you’ve ever felt a random chill, been alone at home and an intense feeling of a presence or stepped into an invisible spiders web that revealed nothing when your hand went to your face to brush it then you too have interacted with the realm of dead but don’t know it yet. Those folks are truly up the creek without a paddle because the Soul reason we dream is being in the flesh is exhausting and each exodus is a “return to sender” imperience that allows the form to regenerate, recuperate and reorganize your energies. This is also why animals who are sleep deprived get dead real quick and those nights of perfect rest have you leaping from your bed with all cylinders firing and feeling amazing. Its all interlinked and in the midst of it all is your consciousness.

For most people this is so far beyond their programming and station that they’d snap the dial off if they attempted to tune in to the wavelength. That is intended. After all you can’t have a fiefdom without Slaves. Thats impossible. In that respect they are listening to the song of life on a single speaker AM radio set that is more static than signal and thus they mangle all of the lyrics as they’re listening. If I could flick a switch and move them across to FM it would become obvious and this is also the same shift that kicks from Inner Sense to Adulteration and its why its so hard to put your finger on whats different between your childhood innocence and current stage of your life sentence. You can’t F with the ineffable, it can only be comprehended. Then it becomes obvious but replication for others isn’t as simple because we all have our own heritage, environment and resonance as well as countless other factors. Thats why its best to work with whats common, like sleep, because once you’ve groked for Self the nature of the Witness who is always constant and present the rest becomes obvious hence you’re with a Game you’re playing by using your Soul as a credit. Twins are another great example of this.

They have one point of origin, one song but two radio sets. This is why they can appear identical and even have some strange ticks called “Twin moments” where both of their moves will be randomly in sync or they’ll say the same things etc etc. Its also why when one dies the other feels half dead because its the equivalent of two drinks being poured from one battle that both have quaffed for their entire experience and now its just them on their lonesome. Plato spoke of this when he said that back when we were binary beings and rolled around like wheels as we had both masculine and feminine energies. Obviously this was metaphorical but it provides an interesting key for those wondering about the nature of duality and why men have nipples in this reality.

During my near death experience there was one point that was super serene. It was amazing really and trying to convey it in text is a fools errand in comparison to the imperience but lets give it an attempt:

In regular embodied awareness your vision present information of around 180 degrees around your flesh. Its a seductive habit you get used to quick hence you move your head to take in another vantage. The fact this was missing made it blatantly obvious I was no longer in Kansas as I had what can only be called as 1080 degree vision. Multidimensional perception. It was totally quiet and yet dense, thrumming with potential hence Psylense describes it best as it was me face to face with being faceless. Time was irrelevant. So was the fact that my flesh was dying due to a lack of oxygen pouring in. That came as an observation that didn’t come jib jabbering in like the voice in your head but more akin to a current rising from the lower level up to my current state of consciousness. The info it brings says “He is dying” with no emotion or investment. Just a simple observation. At that point I became aware of looking at my own face and that, true to Narcissus, was a straight trip because a lifetime of mirrors and pics simply cannot prepare you for the moment of seeing how you seem to another human being.

It was fascinating, truly it was. And yet even though it took many words to poorly rep this imperience the fact was it happened in milliseconds that were stretched between the eternal as, all in the same instant, did I take in 1080 degrees, contrast that to 180 then bring my resonance back to earthbound realm as I saw my life ending as the observation noted “He is dying”. At that moment something clicked, like becoming lucid in a dream but far more intense and visceral. “That is me” said my old habituated personality due to the resonance of being close and next thing I knew I was back in my flesh, fighting for breath with a heart that was thundering as my body dumped adrenaline to keep my consciousness connected to its link. Like I said, epilepsy offers a lots of hints about this and you can gain some strange effects by flashing lights coordinated with sound to your senses when combined with single pointed focus. Those adventures I’ll detail elsewhen.

All of the above literally took place in seconds and could be written off as the delusions of a dying brain that fragments to protect the consciousness of its pilot and yet it felt realer than real. In that respect its like dreaming and pretending you are someone else entirely before being jolted out of your rest, realizing its two AM and you have a job, children and obligations before drifting back to bed and back into a continuance of the delusion playing out inside your head. Well, apart from the fact that all of those things only exist in this ream where we wear flesh in the Game we’re playing by using our Souls as credits. One of the most fascinating things was how I came back to this realm.

I noticed it after I’d restarted my breathing and was steadily working off my oxygen debt as my finger was on autopilot and rubbing underneath my nose tip at the philtrum. There were also a few other moves that happened, as and when, that were akin to brushing and plumping my energetics that I found quite fascinating. Later on as I research into this I discovered that this point is on the central meridian of our subtle energetics and, what do you know, its exactly what you press in case someones consciousness has been severed from their flesh as is the case with epileptics. The other moves were also know and documented by folks I once lived with, in another incarnation, who preferred the isolation of the hills in order to generate cultivation. Its amazing, in that respect, that we are living all of these lives in the same instance because anything that takes place in this dimension has already happened when seen from the lens of the Fourth which is the time through which we swim. Or maybe worms is more accurate hence be as wise as serpents and it starts to become obvious why that which one was worshiped the world round is now hated with a vengeance. Different levels of the Game. Same Souls as credits. AM radio sets, FM twin speakers with bass booming or even CDs and streams. All of them pale in comparison to the live performance which is the song of your existence that is constant on all levels but where we mangle the lyrics. Can you hear the Psylense?

Anywhen, all of that to say the brain doesn’t create consciousness. I could add in things like the Observer Effect, Dual Slit experiment as well as Schroedingers pet cat that was both alive and dead till you decide to check but I’m sure you get my drift. Or maybe you don’t. But don’t worry, you will. When you’re dead. Except now the advantage is that since you read this (and if you signaled to your awareness it was a point worth investing in and considering) then you’ll gain a state of lucidness but all of that is truly irrelevant because the whole point of life in this realm is to prep for that transition hence “get free or die trying” is the only way to live for those who dare step upon the Path of Power and question the narrative because its akin to hacking the Matrix and there is more, so much more to this, than you could ever imagine when your mind is reigned in via generations of programming, cultural ignorance on a huge scale and the mass acceptance of ignorance that masquerades as wisdom for a populace that has no Knowledge of Self but is entirely content with playing the Game of “He said, she said” as they bet their life on things of which they have no direct experience.

See, you may think I’m crazy but I know the inmates have taken over the asylum so the litmus test must be this:

Out of us who is the happiest? The most vibrant? The most present? Notice these factors are all within. They are states of resonance and not symbols of social acceptance and the rest which are simply poor approximations designed to hide the fact that your Inner Sense long dimmed and was replaced by Adulteration. The Game of Souls has you, my friend, and the spider that spun this web has you stuck like the net is currently jacked in to your dopamine system as its one and the same thing that keeps repeating through different manifestations and yet the only constant is you. Or, to be more accurate, your unfinite awareness.

Stay lightly dozing with your third eye open. Can you hear the Psylense?

Till we meet again

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