Everyone Against Anyone Is the War Thats Coming

Everyone against anyone is the war thats coming. Their feature presentation, if you will. Its a choice. An option. Instead we can reject, hit eject on the script and bop to the lobby instead and find Knowledge of Self, waiting. The treat you eat during lifetimes that makes it all make sense.

You can see the battle lines have been drawn, the pieces have been set, the wheels are in motion. Only you can stop it. I say that to say this:

None of this could happen on the external terrain if the seed wasn’t already germinated within because that is the true plane of cause in this realm. Conquer your mind and the world has no choice but to acquiesce because to who has heard the Psylense the cosmos surrenders.

There is another way you can look at this. Consider it being lead by ill example which teaches you what not to do by making you do it. The rub is they’ll never mention this. Not before, during or after. Matter of fact they’ll flip, turn, twist and edit the narrative as much as they can until they get you to the point where you think your ancestors are wicked heathens as venerate symbols of your own oppression as the way to freedom.

The Game is deep.

I wasn’t given any option but to swim as I was thrown in the ocean as a jit where the sharks were waiting. And yet, against all odds, I survived. Mastered the elements and came to tell you this:

Everyone against anyone is the war thats coming.

Break the cypher and decode the meaning to glimpse the truth of what I’ve said because its you, your false and real Self that are battling in this. Consider the prototypical angel and devil perched on your shoulders putting their little bit in and then wonder why no one ever questions who is the man in the middle? “Ahaaaa!… Ahaaa!” they said as the waggled their finger. Most miss the point and thats the nature of the trick because if we’re walking through a forest of ignorance then Knowledge of Self is a sword made of liquid. An unbreakable strength with an unmatchable flex.

I’m speaking of Inner Sense.

The glow all babies possess when they step into this realm. The same thing that sits caged inside your chest whilst you listen to an imposter perched in the cell of your Mind Made Prison that is telling you, at this very instant, “Why are you listening to this mess? He’s talking a whole bunch of BS. Lets do something else” and other such things. Like the angel and devil, who is listening? Know this:

You are the thinking, the thinker, the thought.
You are the seeker, the seeking, the sought.

Looking for solutions outside your Self means you’ll only find problems that manifest as others doing the same fingers as they couldn’t decode the message of unfoldment:

Three point in at the cause as one extends for effect saying “Them, they did this. They are the problem. Once we kill them then it will all be bliss”.

Won’t happen. Can’t happen as the shattered can only beget fragments as they shatter the next gens Inner Sense and render them just like them. Are you starting to see the picture I’m painting?

The world and its conflicts are merely a reflection, a transmission, of the war that rages within the people living in it. Therein lies the problem because they think they are of, not in. Big difference in projection as that is akin to realizing there is no point yelling at the TV set if you don’t like the image. Instead, get up and change the program. In this case, go within and examine your concepts because if the sensory equipment you’re using to decode reality is faulty and being used as weapon of ignorance against your own best interests, how could you tell?

By their deeds shall ye know them and history bleeds wounds blood red which it then drapes in BS. Thats Belief System aka mental programming aka your wetware operating system which itself was hacked and exploited. You don’t realize this yet. At least, not on a conscious level. Your Inner Sense knows full well what I’ve said is just how it is but it has no mouth and you can’t hear its silent screaming. Well, I can. Its most uncomfortable to know my people are suffering all over the planet due to their investments in delusions that generate confusion designed to have them fighting illusions. Let me give you a preview so you can see it before it happens:

Black vs White. East vs West. Secular vs Religion. Call it whatever you wish, its along these lines the wars will be waged until its everyone against anyone. Now, lets imagine the final solution rolls out just as intended and one chosen group has wiped out all of the rest. All around are cadavers that were murdered to death in a bloodlust frenzy that can only be whipped up by those convinced they’re righteous. Side note, its crazy how wicked the good intentioned can get when they believe spiritual benevolence is riding with them. They’ll get so devilish and justify it real quick. Shoulders and the one sitting between, remember? You are the Witness.

Now, everyone else is dead. There is one nation, one tribe, one gang who still stands at the end. Their standards are set, their flags waving and their name is the one on the lips of all who sing the tales of their conquest. How long do you think that will last? See the war may have been “won” (if that is how you define it) but the people are what they are and thus still ignorant of themselves. Within a while, be it long or virtually instant, the remainder will fragment into two divisions. Those who believe it should be this and those who opine it should be different. Each will have convincing rhetoric, large weaponry or shiny trinkets. Whatever they need to ensure people resonate with what they’re saying. Then two tribes go to war and we start, all over again.

In the process, from the rubble, a phoenix will give birth to itself from the embers of a ruined civilization as wars that were waged in tech are rekindled in spirit using rocks and sticks. As the clock ticks people will discover what was forgotten and think they made it fresh as they create another world which looks suspiciously like one that sits under the oceans and polar crusts at the moment. Then when they reach the end of the era of carbon and silicon waits in the wings, rubbing its non corporeal hands at the thought of getting to manifest and wreak its own brand of havoc again, there will be a man sitting somewhere typing a verse that flows just like this.

We have done this over and over and over again.

As a collective we are stuck in the realm as we haven’t passed the test of being in the world but not of it. The true fight is within. Its against forces of corruption that present themselves as bastions of good faith, inherited ignorance that masquerades as wisdom as well as an unwillingness to change the way you’re playing the Game even though the results you crave never, ever came that way. Nor can they. If you wish to cook a specific dish you need the correct ingredients, yes? Fighting for peace is akin to raping to secure virginity. The very act a defilement of what it purports to protect but you’ve got to see beyond the wetware that churns in your head and directs your Witness with the bittersweet nothings it whispers as your Opponent pretends to be you, you the one whos unfinite presence is currently wearing the flesh and playing the Game of Souls without a clue of the true nature of this realm.

Its deeper, and simpler, than most suspect but conflict is what beats in the chest of those disconnected from affection as they miss what they once felt and think the blame rests in someone else when all they have to do is look within, clear out the interlopers, reclaim the Kingdom and rebuild the garden as once your heart beats in resonance with the Psylense, the prime, the zero point of origin then what I’ve said isn’t some glyphs on a plane that are decoded by your brain to impart meaning. No. Its an imperience. Something ineffable, irreplicable and unexplainable. In that sense its akin to having the worlds most vivid dream that rapidly recedes as you try and share the sentiment with someone else who simply cannot grasp the strings at which you’re clutching.

Imagine instead you could use a machine that allowed them to feel what you did in their own way, from their own frame of reference. Afterwards he’d grin and say “Yeah, I get it” as you both tried to build and piece together fragments of imperience and higher dimensional perception to create a living framework of guidance. This was the beginning of the first religion and that’s why women were worshipped as life, once upon a when, was exceedingly different. Then language kicked in. They don’t call it a spell for nothing as before that we talked in pictures because we were much more conscious and sensitive. The current generation is akin to being born wearing welding mitts hence no fine motor control or subtle sensing is even an option. For those like my Self that wander around this realm melting their Pain Body the hurt can be so intense as you feel anothers suffering in a way they’ll deny to the end is even happening. It is though. Their deeds verify this as people are attempting to scratch an itch by rubbing on a mirror which reflects then wondering why nothing happens beyond an increasing sense of frustration.

Truth of the matter is the shiny thing within, their Inner Sense, was broken as jits and that is the root of all of this conflict. There are forces who know this and profit from their prophets which are used to set one nation against the next. That is the script they’ve written. I’m here to tell you there are other options. Considering them needs a mind that is willing to flex but then its a marker of intelligence whether one can handle even entertaining something that contradicts what they believe it is. The Pain Body, the Opponent and his various agents are fantastic at disguising their presence and using tricks that has you signing checks they’ve written which they cash at your expense.

Its the perfect confidence trick. Billions served daily. Worst thing is those who are taken for a ride by this refuse to see it because if their investment is questioned so is their intelligence and they’d rather die than admit this.

Everyone against anyone is the war thats coming. The trick is to remember its a trick and make better decisions by questioning the narrative as you gain Knowledge of Self by peering within.

Till we meet again