Pain and Healing, What a Wonderful Feeling

Pain and healing, what a wonderful feeling of releasing the dead skin that kept me trapped in the mindset of Victim when Victor always was, is and will be and option because its not how it starts but how you end. Then begin again because the vicious circle just became a spiritualized spiral.

Welcome to the next level of the Game, my friend. I’m here and I want you to get on this wavelength.

I sit alone in my four corner room, staring, with fresh optics at the new vistas unfolding as my eyes drip. Did you hear that? Its the sound of the snowman melting as frozen ice ascends to a new wavelength that says:

Nothing will ever be the same again.

The truth of the tale, when one is in the belly of the whale, is that you got your Self into this in order to see what happens on the other end. Boy, does it feel good to swim in the seas of sentience that were awaiting my appearance with bated breath as I noticed the lungs that once held all that tension within my torso, paused, hit play again and delivered what was promised.

I am unfinite.

Me and the pre existing one – that comes in many names and flavors but truly abhors all labels as its a state to be imperienced within and thus can’t be found when one sticks their head into scripts then pretends to munch still pics, frozen, from times way before them as they miss what unfolds in the moment thanks to the chatter in their heads – are identical. So are you, my friend.

Its a present. Open it. Release the gift.

I say that to say this:

Pain and healing, what a wonderful feeling to be me, once again. A familiar newness that is dazzling in its brilliance as that once calloused consciousness fell to the side and revealed the fresh skin that had been growing, waiting and developing to make its grand appearance in the Game we all play by using our Souls as credits. I look back at the process, the events and the steps that led, and can’t help but shake my head with a grin as I think:

“This must be the song the diamond sings after transcending the limits of the coal it manifested in”.

You see? Thats the test. Thats the test, my friend, and sadly many people fail on the first attempt and are, instead, content to sit on the side line. A bit playa in their own performance. If that isn’t a fate worse that death where a little slice of hell is doled out in steady drips then I don’t know what is. Sadly many are so entranced by this, the allure of the label in lieu of direct imperience, that they’d rather run for the hills, screaming, than take that Journey within to the depths of their consciousness where the inner child does dwell.

He Knows the Prime because, like riding a bike, never one forgets which is why ye need to phiget instead as thats the key to a new melody played with far greater depth and effortless skill. Let me back up a bit and lace you with some Game that says:

Imagine everyone, everything and anywhen in this realm is not external and separate but a part of you instead that you project and interact with. That means there are no enemies, no strangers or such things. Nope, all you have is friends and teachers that come bearing gifts that may taste sweet or bitter on the surface it until you digest this and then it all makes perfect sense. Wars, conflict, pain and death are the siren call of the Adulterated who Know not this because they’ll point angry fingers at they, them and events without comprehending that the three aimed back show the true cause and effect therefore Know Thyself is the anthem of all Warriors in training.

The best thing about this is there is nothing to learn, just what you never remembered to forget by divorcing the present moment in a most acrimonious split, back when. What do I mean by this? Simple:

You take the most depressed, stressed and or hurting person and pretend you could flick a switch that erased the story in their head. Tell me, my friend, do you think their symptoms would still manifest as they did? “Course they wouldn’t, thats impossible”. The cure and the poison dwell within and when you comprehend that you can either feed and water the weeds or roses then you’ll catch my drift and ascend because the cloud floating overhead sees the rain that fell, pooled into a ocean and then was frozen, formed and molded into the snowman that reps most Souls inner realms.

Thats all you have to lose and its not something you ever wanted but now you’ve got it, what are you gonna do with it? Like I said, off rip, its not how it starts but where you end so if ye dare to do the Knowledge by embracing the darkness within you may just find the dazzling illumination of your true strengths that were hid by the tale of pain and suffering that many refuse to befriend as they were trained to look out instead. I mean, haven’t you ever wondered why nature, the most miserly yet abundant force there is, built a fully functioning optical lens but placed it inside the dark cave of your head? Let this light shine again and you’ll resurrect your Self and when you do I’ll be here to listen what you’ve seen and Witnessed because each one, teach one is the only method that makes sense as our inner realms are intense and private ergo there is no such thing as a psychological GPS with programmed predestination as one makes the Path by walking.

As you can probably tell thats the real and authentic version that life mimics with its psycho-social treadmill laced with opiate like effects for those who begrudgingly tread upon the only option they were trained to Thunk exists as another well formed brick of ignorance the world uses to build divisions that don’t exist beyond your own personal investment in the narrative they pimp. There always was, is and will be another option. The Path of Power is what I call it and only those who choose themselves dare set foot upon it because what I said, back then, about you being the only playa in the Game is empirically verifiable as the pre and post version of your Self that dwells in your head after doing the Knowledge is akin to a snowman that was scared to death of melting recollecting “Oh yes, I’m the same as the cloud from which the rains did drip and sing as they imperienced immense acceleration in their descent to this realm before taking some time to frolic with the rest as we passed through the concentration camp wing of the System that we treat like what was dropped in the cuckoos nest, back when, and, in the process, forget the true nature of Self which is, was and will be present within, just waiting for me to click that my consciousness doesn’t begin or end with the flesh as that is what simply modulates the reference of pure energetics that manifest as me, here, now, in the present moment”.

Its a wonderful feeling when you find that still bit in the midst of the pain and healing as you come to dwell in a state I’ve termed being Centered in Self because this does what it says on the tin as that familiar newness washes over your newly cleansed sentience so you sit there, with a grin, Knowing, for certain, you are an aspect of the Prime, the pre-existing, made flesh in this Game we all play by inserting our Souls as credits on the highest level of challenge that finesses billions, daily, via the use of a handful of tricks that are old as the hills but have one thing in common:

They always, always, always, always direct your attention anywhen but within. Turn your senses around, my friend, and dare to live the dictum that get free or die trying is the only sane option on this floating insane asylum because when whatever everyone else has done, without question, builds a world like this then its obviously not working. Exactly as intended…

The Game of Souls has you, my friend.

If I am the messenger then this is the message.

Till we meet again

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