Are You Your Own Friend?

I’ve been around, know a lot of folks, seen many faces in lots of places and one thing I’ve seen again and again is how people are suffering. Rich, poor, black, white, male, female and everything in between across the board. There are deep wounds, bleeding internally that are ignored, almost universally.

Some people just don’t realize it, maybe they can’t feel because they’ve got so used to hiding from themselves, pretending to be somebody else therefore its someones elses pain. And yet if you see how they act, how they hold their frame, listen to what they say, well then it might as well be written on their face. Its strange isn’t it? How someone can breathe and still be dead.

How a corpse can walk around, pay bills, even raise kids whilst all the while inside they feel nothing. Not a thing. Except the rage, that often rears its head, the anger, mistrust, fear, sadness all the negatives you can think but even these they don’t accept. No, they are someone else. “He made me feel this, she made me do that”. No, no, no brothers and sisters, that never was nor will be a fact. You carry that emotion, like a flame deep inside and just because you close your eyes doesn’t mean the light stops shining. Its a sad reflection of the times, how cut off we are from ourselves. All you have to do is see the ascent of what reflects, edited images, phony lives, make sure you get my good side, one online smile which masks a thousand offline cries.

“Please like me”, they all say. They have followers but are yet themselves enslaved. what a strange, strange tale. A wise man said long ago that attachment causes suffering, why do we feel the need to grasp, I ask? Stop and think about it for a moment, a want implies a lack. You don’t want your hand, you use it without a care, thanks or reflection. Its just a standard part of being here.

What if somehow they made you forget you had it all, hid it in a sleeve and then they could lead you and kind of chase they decreed because you’d do anything to get back what was yours all along. See where I’m going with this? Are you feeling whats behind my words?

The truth is you’re already enough. You already have way more than you could ask because you’ve got to be a stupid ass to be surrounded by air only to die with a gasp “I, I can’t breathe. Someone, help me please” said no one ever but we all know thats how they feel.

You ever seen a swan gliding by, looking serene and at ease but under the surface we see its paddling away furiously just to keep its head above the water. Behold the world filled with lambs sent to the slaughter as you try to stay afloat in the seas of self deception. Ask yourself a simple question:

Are you your own friend?

Take a moment, pause and reflect if you want to. For some its hard to answer. “Well, what do you mean? Of course I’m my own friend, what else would I be? Can you repeat the question? Huh? I don’t get it? What are you after?”. Lets try once again:

Are you your own friend?

See, its strange, we give our friends the best of ourselves, congratulate their triumphs, help them excel, encourage them to be better, lend a shoulder to cry on when their life feels like hell. Buy them gifts, take them places, offer them the security of just being there. Ask yourself again, when seen through this lens:

Are you your own friend?

It sounds crazy doesn’t it? But the more and more you think the clearer it becomes whats wrong with this image. Imagine a man knocks at your door, he says he’s dying of thirst, you offer him a drink. Except all the glasses in your house are thimble sized at best.

Even if you filled and he emptied it every other second it still wouldn’t quench his thirst as pieces aren’t the same thing as the whole and this hole is what I’m speaking of. Most feel it nagging, quietly within. Some people use it as fuel, a motivation to get away form everything.

In society we call them go getters, obsessed as they are with status and acclaim. “Give me the recognition and baubles so I may no longer feel this shame”. Of course, they don’t say it, but we hear it, none the less. A small voice echoes loudly, from their very core, at their depths. The other kind are wasters, who will happily share their plight as they chase whatever high, bottle, powder, pipe, needles, bongs or between the thighs. Either way it matters not as it provides temporary respite but it comes at a heavy price.

In between we have the masses, the well adjusted herd who don’t dip or veer to heavy either this way or the other but still feel the same as is evidenced by the fervor to wear the mask of social graces whilst suppressing their true Self. Anything to fit in, always attempting to sell the image of themselves in the hopes they buy it as well.

This is what I mean about being your own friend as it means knowing your own history, recapitulating the events that led to this life sentence and the meaning therin. The sad truth of this world is its filled with overgrown children who try hard to pretend they are mature and responsible when Adulterated describes them best. If there were, even a handful, of actualized humans we wouldn’t see such foolishness that racks every continent since the history of this era begins when the bad guys won the battle and rewrote all the books because crime doesn’t pay – it collects and you’re living in a den of thieves whose primary weapons are deceit, deception and trickery. They use them well with the intent of dividing you from your Self because that house cannot stand, neither against a mild wind nor, more importantly, up for its own sovereignty.

Are you seeing what I mean about being your own friend?

You ask most people “When was the last time you did something nice for yourself?” and they have to stop and think, and even then they feel guilty. Now, ain’t that something?

Going back to those little thimbles, with which you attempt to slake a thirst. Those tiny bits of water, if anything, make it worse. The wanderer would’ve done better to slide his hands into a fresh water source, running natural and free because if there’s taps there has to be a stream in the world. This water than I’m speaking of is affection, in its purest form. The thimbles represent the amount you’re used to doling out in your inner world. The wanderer is you, at least your original form before the world twisted and deformed and made you run around to perform because the you you Thunk you are, the one who is hearing these words, well you and I know thats a mask just as you know it hurts. It hurts to still still and just be. “Please someone, distract me. Make me run that way and this, just keep my attention occupied so I don’t have to feel a thing”.

This is the nature of suffering. It holds the world in its grip and most will cling to their symbols and fight to the death to maintain this isn’t happening. And yet it is. Thats the funny thing about the truth, it doesn’t care if you acknowledge it ergo being authentic is a threat in a world where every emperor is naked.

There is a really simple fix. If you’re willing to take the steps so please, ask your Self:

Are you your own friend?

Its a very profitable question if you only pay attention to the feelings that churn beneath the neck. Body language, do you speak it? Are you capable of listening? Can you link emotion and feeling without a large chunk of Thunking in between? One of the greatest tricks this life swiftly pulls is making you go through the motions without emotion whilst simultaneously forgetting you’re actually pretending as you’re numb from the neck down.

How can you tell these things? Simple, if your flesh is rigid, tense, filled with pain and limited ranges of motions you can bet your mind does the same thing and this affects the rest of your resonance and thus you have not a clue of what you miss when it comes to the true nature of reality within this Game we’re all playing after inserting our Souls as credits. Its as amusing as it is wicked. Am I breaking the immersion? Should I not say such things because they’re distracting for those invested in the ride for which they’re being taken? Maybe, maybe. But, then again, if it helps ease their suffering by creating a higher vantage that allows them to transcend the deception and choose better options then how is that not a win for the individual and collective? Ah, that word again. You should know whats hidden within the contraction by now if you’ve read my previous missive on the topic.

Are you your own friend? Or do you constantly beat and berate yourself in your head? Telling yourself bad things, downplaying your potential and generally doing your upmost best to ensure you stay miserable, distracted and filled with unactualized potential. Would it be going out on a limb if I said humanities greatest problems are spiritual and that word, at its most basic, relates to consciousness hence Know thy Self. Once you Know the Ledge then certain things become Self evident as one who steps upon the Path of Power within encounters nothing but teachers and friends they haven’t met yet in this realm. No strangers, no enemies, no ill will, no trickery.

They’re all conspiring to set me free. You as well. But you just don’t see.

Meet again, till we

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